IVRS welcomes Crown Bioscience to the EUREKA project ONCO-TARGET!
IVRS welcomes Crown Bioscience to the EUREKA project ONCO-TARGET! Two months ago, we welcomed our new collaborator within the EUROSTARS R&D and innovation project is one of the global pioneers when it comes to highlighting the importance of providing research and groundbreaking technologies, and shares the same mission as IVRS; to accelerate and de-risk the process […]
IVRS has initiated a collaboration with RISE!
With the recent expansion of our service array within NIR fluorescent imaging, PDX models and pushing state-of-the-art imaging to its limits, IVRS is ready to offer their services on a wider demographic scale. By teaming up with RISE Research Institutes of Sweden/Drug development at RISE, an independent and state-owned institute with a mission to bridge industry, […]
Positiva prekliniska resultat i Xintelas glioblastomprojekt i samarbete med IVRS
Xintela AB (publ) meddelar positiva prekliniska resultat i glioblastomprojektet. Xintela har utvecklat funktionsblockerande antikroppar som binder till bolagets målmolekyl integrin a10b1 och identifierat en antikropp som hämmar tillväxten av glioblastomtumörer i en preklinisk modell. Arbetet har utförts i samarbete med IVRS (In Vivo Research Services) i Lund. Läs hela pressmeddelandet
Meet us at NLS Days in Malmö in September
We will attend Nordic Life Science Days in Malmö 12-14 of September 2019 at Malmömässan. Meet us there! Read more about NLS Days